90 Days in Proverbs - A New Church Lady Devotional by Nancy White

Hi! This is Nancy Ellen White, N.E.W. Church Lady.

I have an exciting announcement. Beginning Monday, May 18, I will post a daily devotional, based on the book of Proverbs live on Facebook, with the text of the devotional here. It’ll be just a few minutes each day that we can spend together in the book of Proverbs. We’ll close with prayer and then I hope you will do a bit of journaling. Whether you choose to start your day with a devotional, end it with a devotional or take a mid-day break in the word of God, I hope you will join me for 90 Days in Proverbs - A New Church Lady Devotional. starting Monday, May 16.

Your comments are welcome both on Facebook and here. And you can always write me at Nancy@DynamicChristianMinistries.org

#90Days #Proverbs #NewChurchLady #Devotional