Connection: Connect to Your Dream(s)

I’m reading the book of Mark right now, looking at the ministry and works of Jesus through this shortest of the Gospels. Today, as I read chapter 5, I was struck by the response or reaction of the people of Gardarenes to the miracle of the casting out of a legion of demons from the man living among the tombs.

Rather than being amazed (in a good way) or joyful or thankful, they were fearful and asked Jesus to leave. And I wondered how many times fear has led me to not asking for something - or just asking too small.

Today, I invite you to connect or reconnect to a big dream that you have been fearful or hesitant to ask for in the past. Do not ask small and risk turning away big miracles and greater works of Jesus in your life.

Almost anything we asked can bring glory to God if done according to His will. So, do not second guess God and whether or not He will give you the desire of your heart. Just ask and expect God’s mightly response.

He may surprise you with how He responds or how He makes it come true. However, sweet sisters, we cannot let fear of a no, or worse, fear of a “yes” cause us to turn Jesus away when we know in our hearts (and from scripture) that He wants to give BIG.

If you are bold enough, please share your dream with me, so that I can pray for it too. You can write me in the comments or any time at