Connection: Connect to your Creator via Creativity

We are the children of God. He is the great Creator, not only of the universe and all that it is in, but also of His work in us.

As His children, we are also creative beings. He has gifted us with creativity that shows up in a variety of ways.

Today, I invite you to connect to the Creator via creativity of your own. Ideas: Draw, paint, write a poem, color a picture, sing praises instead of praying them, thus creating your own music for God to hear, make a macaronic necklace or create something from playdough. Or even just take a photo of God’s beautiful creation. Your creation doesn’t have to be “good” in your eyes or the eyes of others, it just needs to be inspired by joy or thanks or love.

If you dare, I invited you to share it with us here - or at least tell us about it.

Blessings to all my sweet, creative, fellow children of God out there!

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